Friday, August 3, 2012

We Need Specifics on School Schedules, Personal Needs

We need to get down to specifics here. What time does school start where your child attends? What time does school let out? Do you have any special needs, such as drop-off at day care, etc? Post information here or on the appropriate thread for your school. We need to get moving on this.


  1. I am interested in transportation assistance. Paloma HS. We live at Scott & Briggs. 951-672-0105

    1. We also need help with transportation, off of Scott and menifee. I can take to school, but need from school

  2. If you are still interested in the program, please email me at menifeerides@gmail.conm. We have a meeting scheduled for Monday at 7 p.m. at Wheatfield Park.

  3. Shawn Casagrande, what school does your child attend? Email so we can communicate better with you.


Thank you for your submission. It should appear on the site shortly.