This is a volunteer effort involving parents and other community members who are concerned about transportation to and from school for students who need a ride and don't have access to bus service. In our widespread community, some students face very long walks to school. Many have working parents who are unable to drive their own children to and from school every day.
By identifying students who need rides and residents who are able to provide transportation and/or participate in carpools, we hope to minimize the effects of the reduced bus routes this school year.
We have established a website, Facebook page and email address as resources for you to communicate with us:
Please spread the word about tonight's meeting to those who may not follow us on Menifee 24/7 or who may not have Internet access. Tell your friends and neighbors. We can't identify the needs or adequately provide assistance if we don't hear from you. If you plan to attend, please leave a comment on the website, on our Facebook page, or send us an email.
Yours truly, Doug Spoon, will be standing by the flagpole at the end of the driveway off Menifee Road in Wheatfield Park tonight at 7, wearing the cowboy hat you see here. You can't miss me. I promise the meeting will be as brief as possible. If your child needs a ride, if you can provide a ride -- if you simply care about the welfare of your students this school year --- please join us tonight
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